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List Games by No. Players 1+ 1-2 Players 1-3 Players 1-4 Players 1-5 Players 1-6 Players 1-7 Players 1-8 Players 2 or 4 Players 2 Players 2+ 2-10 Players 2-10+ 2-12 Players 2-3 Players 2-4 Players 2-5 Players 2-6 Players 2-7 Players 2-8 Players 3+ 3-10 Players 3-4 Players 3-5 Players 3-6 Players 3-7 Players 3-8 Players 4 Players 4+ 4-10 Players 4-10+ 4-11 Players 4-12 Players 4-6 Players 4-7 Players 4-8 Players 4-9 Players 5-10 Players 6-12 Players 7-8 Players 8-18 Players 8-22 Players 8-24 Players Solitaire Teams |
Was £32.99, Now £25.00 "Shut it Tanlyn. And keep your mind on the quest before us. No more talk of 'seeing a doppelganger.'" Bogrim the barbarian readied his great sword for the encounter ahead as the rest of the party drew close. "This will not end well," Tanlyn replied. She kept her hand resting on the familiar weight of her dagger's pommel. Someone here was a traitor. If only she knew who... Doppelganger is a hidden role game where each player takes the role of an intrepid adventurer who will help the group overcome great perils. However, some among them are conniving doppelgangers who work against the party to bring their downfall. Each turn the players confront a challenge. The party leader selects which adventures they help will help win (or lose) the quest. Everyone selected contributes a card face down to a pool that may help or hurt the party's chances for success. Victory brings rewards, and moves the party closer to uncovering the hidden truth. Failure brings pain, and moves doppelgangers one step closer to winning the game. Doppelgangers feels like a fast, co-operative dungeon delve, bit with the added tension of significant distrust. |
5% over £50 10% over £100 These volume discounts are in addition to sale and special offer prices. Related Tags |
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