Here is the Cub at Darley Moor race circuit – but it is the road Cub, in the course of the Burton Parade, an annual 60-0dd mile ride out for old bikes in May. To check the state of both bikes and rider, it was to be followed by a track day in June, but a friend kindly brought Covid round to us which put the mockers on that. With both bikes and body playing up, the end of the season arrived with no action at all, very frustrating as I had got myself back down to racing weight after the traditional seasonal excesses – I could even fit the back protector inside my leathers for the first time in years! The paunch has returned without the incentive of the leathers challenge, alas. But why the loss of both energy and strength? The finger of suspicion points to some pills that the doctor has finally persuaded me to take, as they like to do when you reach a certain age. Halving the dose has produced promising results, maybe I will be fully active again next year – or maybe not. It is now just over 50 years since my first race at the age of 22, it is just possible that I am getting a bit past it, perish the thought.
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